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Elevate Your Home With Custom Window Covering Solutions

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Save Up to $1,950!
Fill out our form for a free quote.

Triple Warranty Guarantee

Free Labor, Free Parts, Free Trip Charge

Free labor, parts, and trip charge on approved warranty work for our customers only. On non-warranty work fees may apply. For non-customers fees may apply.

The Value Blinds and Shutters Difference

Since we started business in 2003, it has been our mission to provide the highest quality products and customer service in the industry. Here are some of the ways we do things differently:

  • Our triple warranty guarantee covers our work FOR LIFE – Our customers will never pay for parts, labor, or a trip charge on any warranty work.
  • We have our own salaried installers. By paying our own installers instead of a sub-contractor we can ensure they have the proper training and insurance to give you pace of mind through the entire installation process. We can also guarantee the little things- you will receive a picture of your installer before they arrive at your house and they will take their shoes off while working in your home.
  • Our designers are EXPERTS. With Value Blinds and Shutters we make the process of buying custom window coverings as seamless as possible. In one appointment, our experts will help you find the perfect product for your home, give you a price on the spot, and get all of the final measurements. The only other appointment you need is installation!
  • We only sell Hunter Douglas window coverings. Hunter Douglas is the premier name in the custom window covering industry. By exclusively selling their products, we pass along our better pricing and exclusive upgrades to you.

Book a Free Consultation

Meet Our Team

Browse by Need

Child Safety
Top-Down Bottom-Up
Specialty Shapes
Sliding Doors
Room Lightening
Room Darkening
Energy Efficiency

Never Touch Your Window Coverings Again

It’s time to say goodbye to manually adjusting your window coverings! Our motorized window coverings have many benefits; our favorite—schedules. Imagine your shades opening up at sunrise, letting you wake up with the light; or closing halfway at noon to eliminate the glare from your computer screen. And after a hard day of work having the shades close at sunset so you can enjoy dinner completely uninterrupted.

With smart automation your shades adapt and move around you. Push the button below or schedule your free consultation to learn about all the benefits of PowerView from Hunter Douglas today.

Thousands of Happy Customers and Counting

Get Started With Value Blinds and Shutters Today

Our Top Brands

We partner with top brands and automation services to provide the highest possible quality solutions for your home.


Value Blinds and Shutters

735 Park Street, Unit L
Castle Rock, CO 80109


Showroom Hours
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: By Appointment Only