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Custom Composite Shutters

Custom Composite Shutters

The NewStyle® Shutter from Hunter Douglas uses a composite material to achieve the same look and feel as hardwood shutters with added strength. The dry Colorado weather will not effect this composite shutter, making it the perfect addition to your Colorado home.

Call us at Value Blinds and Shutters today to schedule your free in-home design consultation and see the Alustra® Woven Textures® Roman Shade in your home. Our experts will walk you through the whole process and give you a price on the spot.

NewStyle® Composite Shutter FAQs

Deigner Banded Shades’ maximum dimensions per shade are 288in x 116in. Our experts are used to working around these dimensions and are able to tailor unique solutions to you even if your windows are bigger.

NewStyle® Composite Shutters rarely require cleaning, if you notice they do try:

  • Light dusting or vacuuming using a feather duster
  • Spot clean with a damp sponge, and add mild detergent if needed.

Yes! Hunter Douglas Offers the best limited lifetime warranty in the industry. Since we are the repair center for Douglas County, CO we are able to go above and beyond the already great warranty. The warranty covers:

  • Defective materials, workmanship, or failure to operate.
  • All internal mechanisms.
  • Components and brackets.
  • Fabric delamination.
  • Operational cords for a full 7 years from the date of purchase.
  • Repairs and/or replacements will be made with like or similar parts or products.
  • Hunter Douglas motorization components are covered for 5 years from the date of purchase.

Good News! We are an authorized Hunter Douglas repair center. If your shades stop working and you are our customer, give us a call and we will send a repair technician to fix the issue for free. No trip charge, no labor fee, free.

NewStyle® Composite Shutters are a fully custom window treatment. Different fabrics, operating systems, enhancement options, and of course, sizes will change your price. Our experts will help you design the perfect Banded Shade for your home and give you a complete price on the spot. Give us a call today to schedule your free in-home design consultation!

Get in Touch With Value Blinds and Shutters Today!

Schedule a Free In-Home Consultation Today