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High quality window coverings can be a great way to keep your home private to the outside world. But beyond keeping others from peeking into your Denver home, window coverings can provide a number of other benefits, including reducing your energy costs and improving your health. Read on to learn more about the benefits of adding window coverings.

Reduce Migraine Headaches

If you get migraine headaches related to your eyes straining in harsh sunlight, covering up your windows can be a great way to improve comfort and health at home. For example, honeycomb shades can help to soften natural light coming in through a window, which can make it easier to see and read and reduce eyestrain-related migraines. Shutters and blinds can help you to completely block out the sun so you can have complete control over interior light.

Protect Your Furniture

Forget pets and children—the most serious cause of damaged furniture is sunlight. Harsh UV rays from the sun can actually breakdown and fade your furniture. Natural wood, leather, fabrics, and carpets are all vulnerable to UV deterioration with time. To keep the sun off your furniture, cover up your windows with blinds or shades when you don’t need direct sunlight in the home.

Reduce Your Energy Costs

Energy-saving window coverings are a great way to keep your home comfortable without running a high energy bill. Energy efficient window coverings can help to block out sunlight and prevent heat transfer from your windows and into your homes. This is a particularly helpful upgrade if you have older windows that aren’t as energy efficient, and adding your window coverings can be a lot less expensive!

Upgrade your Interior Aesthetic

Finally, window coverings are a great way to give your home’s interior a beautiful face-lift without major remodeling or home improvement projects. Bring color, texture, and style to any room quickly, while also adding the functionality of improved comfort and energy savings.

Shades protect furniture

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