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A couch and lamp in a flooded room

Window treatments are used for a variety of reasons, such as décor and for energy savings. If you choose to install custom, Hunter Douglas blinds and window treatments, you can reap the benefits of better protecting your furniture, flooring, and walls while saving energy and adding aesthetic appeal to your home. Continue reading to see how custom blinds in Castle Rock can save you from faded furniture and costly replacements.

Every time the sun beams through your uncovered windows, it is releasing ultraviolet rays that wreak havoc on your home’s interior. Ultraviolet, also called UV, light is a form of radiation given off by the sun. UV radiation transfers solar energy, also known as heat, to the earth. This heat, and the light from the UV rays, enters your home. This heat can cause significant cooling problems for you during summer, which makes it necessary to install Hunter Douglas blinds over your windows. However, UV rays also cause fading or discoloration on exterior and interior furniture. If you do not have effective window treatments over all of your windows, then you may soon find fading on your wooden furniture, upholstery, and flooring.

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